NTT Cletop Cleaners
The Cletop optical fiber connector cleaner is a rugged palm-size cleaner that offers exceptional cleaning performance of exposed connectors on jumpers. The Cletop cleaners quickly and effectively clean a variety of connectors. Easy to replace cleaning reels with 400 cleans make the Cletop connector cleaner an inexpensive tool suitable for the lab and field use. The simple push button shutter operation makes cleaning connectors quick and easy.
Cletop Cassette Cleaner Options:
- Cletop Series - Original version (proven reliability)
- Cletop Series - Second generation cleaner offering the same Cletop cleaning performance with "Drop-in" replacement tape cartridge and ergonomic design that works equally well for left or right handed operators
- Type A and -SA - Designed for single 2.5mm ferrules (SC, FC, ST, & D4)
- Type B and -SB - Cleans SC, SC2, FC, ST®, DIN, D4, MU, LC, MT, MPO/MTP® without pins, MT-RJ without pins
- Type MPO - Accepts MPO/MTP® connectors with pins
- Type MT-RJ - Accepts MT-RJ connectors with pins